Do I really need a blog of my own?
I’ve wanted to maintain a technical blog for a long time now. But I’ve always asked myself ‘Do I really need a blog of my own’? Blogs are all over the internet. There are at least hundreds of thousands of technical blogs out there. People much more accomplished than myself regularly write blogs. They have much more to offer in terms of content, experience and profile than I do and so why would someone even read my blog? Also, ofcourse the imposter syndrome. I don’t have enough expertise about any particular technical subject to make it worth the time for whoever does end up on my blog.
I don’t think I have answers to these question/doubts yet but I read a quote just today “There are always a 1000 reasons to explain why good things didn’t happen. There is only one to explain why they did: someone tried”. I’m going to give this a try. To make this a good thing to happen. To make it useful for my audience. Maybe I’ll end up learning, maybe others will end up learning. Maybe there will be unintended outcomes. Maybe it’ll be worth it.
I’m optimistic and the following are a few outcomes that I hope writing technical blog posts regularly will help me achieve:
Provide me with a platform to share my ideas with a wider audience. Ideas have an amplification affect. One idea leads to another but an idea is only useful if it is either acted upon or shared. Hopefully, this platform will be a source of fresh perspectives and ideas.
Be a learning experience. This exercise will serve as a motivation to learn and discover new technologies, ideas and practices. But more importantly, I’ll be in with a ‘learn to teach’ mindset, which I’ve learned over the years especially during my experience as a Teaching Assistant is much more powerful for both understanding and retention that just a ‘learn to know mindset’
Improve upon the art of expressing ideas through words. Communication is important and the key to bringing ideas to fruition is to be able to articulate and share them. Being a non-native English speaker among other factors, I feel I stand somewhat disadvantaged here, but only to begin with. This blog is an attempt to fix it.
I hope my readers will find the content useful, engaging and help them grow. There is nothing more gratifying than being useful to others and it is the single most important thing I hope to achieve here :)