Irtaza Haider

Software Engineer

Irtaza Haider | Software Engineer

Which blogging platform should I use as a developer?

So if you’re someone who has decided to start a blog, first, kudos on taking the initiative. All great things start with an initiative. The natural next steps are to think about the content that you’ll put out there for your audience how you’ll publish the blog to the world

Do I really need a blog of my own?

I’ve wanted to maintain a technical blog for a long time now. But I’ve always asked myself ‘Do I really need a blog of my own’? Blogs are all over the internet. There are at least hundreds of thousands of technical blogs out there. People much more accomplished than myself regularly write blogs. They have much more to offer in terms of content, experience and profile than I do and so why would someone even read my blog? Also, ofcourse the imposter syndrome. I don’t have enough expertise about any particular technical subject to make it worth the time for whoever does end up on my blog.